‘Tis the season, but not the season you might think I’m talking about. It’s resolution season; the time of year where people reflect on the past year and come up with a, “New Year, New You” resolution. Some of the most common resolutions that people make are to lose weight, exercise, spend more time with family, get organized, etc.. Another resolution that people might make for the upcoming year is to get their finances in order. I don’t know about you, but I would rather watch paint dry than deal with the “finances” chore, but it’s one of those adulting things that we unfortunately must do. (To fast-forward through the blog and see a snapshot of some of the targeting categories that are available for the finance field, click here).

When people talk about finances, what are they exactly referring to though? There are so many different sub-verticals that fall into the finance category like banks and credit unions trying to sell mortgages, financial planners making sure people can afford college for their kids, estate planners getting people set up for retirement, and that is just naming a few. All these verticals spend money in order to reach potential new customers, and it’s no surprise that of the $18.2 billion they will spend on advertising locally in 2020, all 2019-2020 growth occurs in digital media. 

One of the reasons that the financial umbrella turns to digital media to spread their message is because more financial consumers can be targeted online and on mobile devices, and the interactivity supports immediate responses. With digital advertising you can target people by their behaviors, interests, locations, and you can also reach them in multiple ways. For example, if you’re running an Over the Top (OTT) campaign, you’re reaching people as they are engaged with their favorite television programming, and you’re targeting an audience by selecting certain behavioral and demographic categories of those you’re wishing to reach. Lets look at another example. If you’re running a Mobile Conquesting™ campaign, you’re utilizing behavioral and location based targeting, and you’re reaching people on their mobile device, the thing that people are most addicted to these days.

By reaching people on multiple devices and being able to pinpoint the exact person a business is looking to reach results in success! Think of your own consumer behavior- when you’re watching TV at the end of the day (probably not part of that New Years Resolution), chances are you aren’t JUST watching TV. You are most likely scrolling through your phone at the same time. By targeting a specific audience by certain behaviors and utilizing OTT and Mobile Conquesting™, a business could reach someone while they’re watching TV, AND reach them while they are simultaneously playing Words with Friends on their phone.

If you’re an estate planning attorney that is looking to reach an older demographic, you’re probably looking for a different audience than a bank might be if they are looking to sell a mortgage to a young couple that was recently married. To show you how targeted we can get with behavioral targeting categories, here are just a few:


Advanced Demographics > Credit Level – Excellent
Advanced Demographics > Credit Level – Good
Advanced Demographics > Credit Level – Poor
Advanced Demographics >HHI 100K+
Advanced Demographics > Home Value – 0K-200K
Advanced Demographics > Home Value – 200K-400K
Advanced Demographics > Home Value – 400K-750K
Advanced Demographics > Home Value – 750K+
B2B > Estimated Corporate Credit Rating
B2B > Industry > Finance And Insurance
B2B > Sales Volume Code > Greater Than $500,000,000
B2B > Sales Volume Code > Under $250,000
B2B Premium > Company > Company Revenue > Extra Large ($1,000,000,000 +)
B2B Premium > Company > Company Revenue > Small ($1,000,000 – $9,999,999)
B2B Premium > Functional Area > Finance
B2B Premium > Functional Area > Finance > Accounting
B2B Premium > Functional Area > Finance > Banking
B2B Premium > Functional Area > Finance > Investment Banking
B2B Premium > Functional Area > Finance > Wealth Management
Business > Business – Finance Professionals
Business And Financial > Investors
Business And Financial > Online Bankers
Business To Business (B2B) > B2B Decision Makers – Finance Decision Makers
Decision Makers > Finance Decision Makers
Demographics > Employment > Occupation > Financial Professional
Demographics > Financial Attributes > Active Lines Of Credit > 4 +
Demographics > Financial Attributes > Credit Card Holders
Demographics > Financial Attributes > Income > $200,000 +
Demographics > Financial Attributes > Income > $75,000 – $99,999
Demographics > Financial Attributes > Loans > Auto Loans
Demographics > Financial Attributes > Loans > Debt Relief
Demographics > Financial Attributes > Loans > Refinance
Demographics > Financial Attributes > Modeled Credit Rating > 600 +
Demographics > Financial Attributes > Modeled Credit Rating > 800 +
Demographics > Financial Attributes > Mortgage Holder > Interest Rate > 0% – 5%
Demographics > Financial Attributes > Mortgage Holder > Interest Rate > 8.1% – 16%
Demographics > Financial Attributes > Mortgage Holder > Interest Type > Adjustable
Demographics > Financial Attributes > Mortgage Holder > Interest Type > Fixed
Demographics > Financial Attributes > Mortgage Holder > Loan Type > Fha
Demographics > Financial Attributes > Mortgage Holder > Loan Type > Private Party Lender
Demographics > Financial Attributes > Mortgage Holder > Mortgage Amount
Demographics > Financial Attributes > Mortgage Holder > Prospector Home Value
Demographics > Financial Attributes > Mortgage Holder > Purchase Price
Demographics > Financial Attributes > Net Worth
Demographics > Household Income
Financial > Auto/Home/Life Insurance
Financial > Credit Card Holder
Financial > Debit Card Holder
Financial > Health Insurance
Financial > Owns Mutual Funds, Stocks, Or Bonds
Hispanic > Lln Us – Us Hispanics Finance
Income > Income
Industry > Banking And Finance
Passionate About > Business & Finance > Business Opportunities/Franchises
Passionate About > Business & Finance > Insurance
Passionate About > Business & Finance > Investing
Personal Finance > Auto Insurance
Personal Finance > Bonds
Personal Finance > Estate Planning
Personal Finance > Homeowners Insurance
Personal Finance > Life Insurance
Personal Finance > Mutual Funds
Personal Finance > Online Banking
Personal Finance > Personal Finance
Personal Finance > Personal Or Health Insurance
Personal Finance > Real Estate
Personal Finance > Retirement Planning
Personal Finance > Stocks
Mobile Conquesting™:
HH Income $0-50k, $50-100k, $100-150k, $150-200k, $200k+
Frequent Bank Customers
Asset Management
Asset Protection Consultants
Atm Sales & Service (Whls)
Banks-Consulting Services
Bill Paying Service
Bill Reviewing Service
Check Collection Service
Commodity Brokers
Commodity Exchanges
Credit Reporting Agencies
Credit Restoration
Credit Unions
Credit Unions Not Federally Chartered
Currency Exchanges
Debt Adjusters
Debt Buyers
Economic Development Agencies
Economic Research & Analysis
Export Finance
Federal Reserve Banks
Financing Consultants
Financing-Insurance Premium
Investment Bankers
Investment Securities
Investment Trusts
Mobile Homes-Financing
Money Brokers
Money Transfer Service
Retirement Income Funds
Savings Plans


For all you go-getters, I wish you a very happy and healthy New Year! If you’re curious as to what my New Year’s Resolution will be this year, I’ll leave this as a glimpse: