• Are you currently running any direct mail campaigns?
  • Do you have a niche customer base? Is reaching very specific households (or businesses) helpful?
  • If you could purchase a list of new potential customer leads, what would you look for?

These are just a few questions to determine if household IP Targeting is right for you.  IP Targeting is the process of targeting internet advertising to specific households based on their Internet Protocol address (which is the string of numbers assigned to your internet connection by your Internet Service Provider).  It has the targeting ability of direct mail without the printing costs, mailing costs and negative impact (did you know people would rather get a bill than a direct mail piece?).  And, instead of reaching a household once with a direct mail piece you could target a household 20-50 times in a month!

IP TargetingIP Targeting enables you to target unique users at a specific household or business location.  It works by using a technology of matching IP addresses to a list of names and street addresses and then displaying your digital ad only to those people on websites they visit across the internet.  Your ads reach the exact target household so you have zero wasted impressions or budget.

IP Targeting works without cookies and unlike cookies, IP addresses cannot be deleted or blocked.  You are able to stay connected to every target every time they go online and visit websites that display ads.  You can target one-to-one down to a specific household or business.  You can deliver extraordinarily relevant online ads only to your target.

Who can you target?
Anyone!   You can use any data list you have or any data list you purchase.  You can target conventions, trade shows, university buildings and dorms, hotels, airports…the list goes on and on.

How is this different than Geo-Targeting?
Geo-targeting uses groups of IP addresses to target an area.  But IP Targeting uses individual IP addresses to target specific households.  Think of it as sniper-like advertising reaching an exact target rather than advertising that blankets an area.

Who uses IP Targeting – who does it work for?
IP Targeting works for any business who desires to reach a very specific audience with a relevant message.   Here are a few examples:

Colleges and universities consistently see success using IP Targeting to attract new students.   Schools are able to target homes where college-aged students are living with their parents and target those IP addresses.   Parents typically help the students make a decision about what school to attend, and now colleges and universities can reach both the potential students and their parents all at once, dramatically increasing results.

Political candidates can reach specific households through their IP address and deliver their message to voters who reside there and are known to have voted in past elections.

Credit Unions and Banks could target a list of people who have equity in their homes or existing customers who have bank accounts but not credit cards through their institution.

Automotive dealers can use their existing customer lists to entice previous customers to return to their dealership and take advantage of their most recent lease programs or perhaps target a list of people that have been to their service department but have not purchased a car from them.

How are results measured?
Monthly reports will measure clicks, impressions, click through rate, conversions, view throughs, top performing creative and in addition, we can do a “match back” report to show you exactly which customers came from your IP Targeting campaign.

IP Targeting – it’s the next generation of direct mail!