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digital advertising

Digital Advertising For Banks and Credit Unions: How To Attract and Retain Customers

Advertising for banks and credit unions doesn’t have to be complicated. Whether you’re a small community bank or a large financial institution, there are proven strategies to help you stand out, connect with your audience, and increase customer loyalty. The key? Understanding where your audience is and how they interact with digital media. Key Takeaways from this article: Discover the [...]

How Restaurants Can Best Use Digital Advertising

It’s that time of year where we are all busy with all the things. From Thanksgiving through the end of the year, it seems like there is always something going on from holiday parties, kids holiday events at school, or just daily life. There is no doubt that retailers love this time of year, but one particular business that sees [...]

Are You Advertising During The Super Bowl?

I grew up in Syracuse, New York which is known for two things: snow and Syracuse University sports. While most people are familiar with the longtime Syracuse basketball head coach, Jim Boeheim, but my favorite thing about Syracuse University is football. It is the home of the legendary number 44 for Jim Brown, Floyd Little, and Ernie Davis. Growing up, [...]

Are You Considering a New Digital Provider?

Update: Facebook shuttered Jobs on Facebook (February 2023) and Instant Articles (April 2023) Are you an ad agency considering or perhaps re-evaluating how to manage all your digital advertising for clients? Whether you are a one-person agency, a startup, or a team of seasoned professionals, everyone reaches the point where they can not efficiently do it all on their own. [...]

OTT & On-Site Visit Tracking: Two Great Strategies Come Together

In my last blog OTT/Connected TV AND On-Site Visit Tracking has ARRIVED, I referenced the Jetsons and Saturday morning cartoons, which I know showed my age. If you are old enough to have experienced Saturday morning cartoons and the Jetsons, you may also recognize this next reference as well! During those Saturday morning cartoon marathons, we also had awesome commercials. [...]

Are you maximizing your Pay-Per-Click campaigns? Responsive, Dynamic and Call Ads bring more possibilities than ever.

Pay-Per-Click Ads, Google Ads (formerly Ad Words), Paid Search Ads, it all means the same thing. Not only do these types of ads have a lot of names, but they also have a lot of new options to consider.  If you are currently offering these ads to your clients, or maybe just thinking about offering these types of ads, we [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:23:33+00:00June 30, 2021|Categories: Digital Marketing, PPC|Tags: , , , |

What do I need to know about CTV/OTT?

Point Blank… Streaming services are here to stay.  The percentage of people that subscribe to streaming services is increasing every year.  This year is no different.  As the traditional pay TV service percentage decreases, streaming takes the lead.   As an awareness channel, has CTV/OTT hit critical mass in terms of audience scale? According to Media Post 76% of U.S. [...]

By |2024-08-07T15:20:52+00:00May 18, 2021|Categories: OTT advertising, OTT/CTV|Tags: , , |

What are the most common objections to using digital advertising?

More and more companies are including digital advertising as a critical component to their marketing strategies. However, there are still some companies out there who have not yet jumped in, or maybe have jumped in and didn’t like the results. We know how important digital is and how big of an impact it can make for small and medium sized [...]

What digital products work best when Targeting a Hispanic Audience?

All of them. That’s right, you have more flexibility and targeting options than ever before to reach Hispanic consumers with digital ads. Want to try Social Mirror™? Check out this comprehensive (and not even complete!) list of possible behavioral categories to choose from! The same exhaustive list can also be used to target with Display Ads, Native Ads, Online Audio [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:28:31+00:00March 31, 2021|Categories: Digital Marketing, Hispanic|Tags: , |

OTT/Video Pre-Roll/Linear TV…What’s The Difference?

Video ads keeping getting more popular with advertisers and brands are seeing the value. 85% of brands use video marketing in 2020, which is up from 63% in 2017. According to the iab, nearly 3 in 4 buyers are planning to increase their digital video ad spend in the next 12 months, and nearly two-thirds of digital budgets are allocated [...]

Do you know where your phone is?

Of course, you do. We all do. It is likely in your hand right now as you are reading this and it is not just you, it is everyone. In fact, it is estimated that US adults have tacked on an impressive hour of screen time daily. For me personally, my phone is the last thing I checked before bed [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:25:21+00:00February 2, 2021|Categories: Digital Marketing, Mobile, Online Audio|Tags: , , |

What to expect for advertising budgets and products in 2021?

2020 has come to end.  How can we possibly know what to expect to happen in 2021?!   I’m no psychic and don’t claim to be.  But, I did attend a webinar that Borrell Associates hosted last month, and here are some of my key takeaways from their study.   Retail sales in 2020 have out performed the last 4 years.  [...]

Are Social Mirror Ads Working for Businesses?

The answer to that is a resounding YES! If you are not familiar with what Social Mirror Ads are, first have a look at my last blog and explore more details here. In a nutshell, Social Mirror ads mimic the look and feel of top social media platforms. However, the ads appear not on the social platforms, but on thousands [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:25:21+00:00December 8, 2020|Categories: Digital Marketing, Social Mirror|Tags: , , |

Are your digital political ads ready to go?

If you are talking to any clients or prospects about running digital ads for political, especially on Facebook or Instagram, it is time to close the sale and start executing. Facebook has released some new information about political advertising, and the restrictions are tighter than ever.  I’m highlighting Facebook as a product because political ads on the platform are so [...]

How To Get Conversions With Your Digital Ad Campaign

When is the last time you were immediately compelled to take action on a digital ad? You saw something and BAM! A need you maybe were not even aware of suddenly became so apparent and obvious that you had no other choice but to act, and act now? That is the ultimate goal of a digital campaign. To speak so [...]

By |2024-08-18T20:48:38+00:00August 19, 2020|Categories: Conversions, Digital Marketing|Tags: , , |

What are the Most Effective Digital Ads?

A few years ago, I was watching the Super Bowl and the most ridiculous commercial came on. It was a woman that was overly in love with her son and throughout the commercial she was being dragged in a laundry basket behind a car, played a two faced janitor at his school while he was eating lunch, popped up from [...]

Financial Businesses to Spend Big Bucks on Local Digital Ads in 2020

‘Tis the season, but not the season you might think I’m talking about. It’s resolution season; the time of year where people reflect on the past year and come up with a, “New Year, New You” resolution. Some of the most common resolutions that people make are to lose weight, exercise, spend more time with family, get organized, etc.. Another [...]

Top Digital Advertising Trends for 2020

Anywhere you look, you’re going to see trends for the new year, trends for the new decade, and all sorts of news about the “visionary” year of 2020.  Looking ahead, here are a few key things to watch out for as you plan and finalize your marketing budgets. Instagram Ads – We all know Instagram as Facebook’s little brother.  But, [...]

Why Linking A Client’s Google My Business Results To Digital Campaigns Is So Important

I saw a meme the other day that said “Imagine if trees gave off Wi-Fi signals. We would be planting so many trees and we’d probably save the planet too. Too bad they only produce the oxygen we breathe”. Now I’m not here to be mother nature or the planet police, but there is no denying that as a society [...]

Digital Advertising Trends

Election season is basically upon us, and we know that every election year, there are so many changes within the economy.  What businesses are going to spend what, and where are they going to spend it? Before we look at 2020, let’s take a quick look at how 2019 digital ad spending will most likely end.  Here’s a quick chart [...]

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