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How Can Political Candidates Use Digital for the 2024 Election?

It’s hard to believe that in just six months we will be voting for the 47th president of the United States, along with several other positions. It’s also hard to believe that the political ads have already started. It feels like we just got over them, and I’m already seeing and hearing political ads for everything from local school board [...]

What Are the New Call to Action Buttons with Social Mirror Ads?

When most people heard that Beyonce was making a crossover country album, they went up in arms. Myself, as an avid country music fan, I was pumped! Beyonce is a queen and country music is my jam, so what’s not to love? It’s the best of both worlds! That is also how I feel about the new Social Mirror call [...]

What Were the Most Popular Verticals in 2023?

Andy Williams said it best when he said “it’s the most wonderful time of the year.” 2024 is now just a few weeks away and we have served over 1.9 billion impressions this year. Let’s take a look at the top 10 verticals for campaigns in 2023: • Health Care Services • Events/Concerts/Fireworks • Education • Automotive • Non-Profit/Arts • [...]

What Products Can Show How Many People Saw Your Ad and Went to Your Store?

Advertising methods have evolved significantly throughout history. In the early days of business, long before the digital age, companies used various strategies to promote their products and services. During the Middle Ages, local markets were common and town criers played a significant role in advertising. They would announce the arrival of merchants and their wares and shop signs had images [...]

What is

One thing I love about the internet is when you come across those “I was today years old when I learned…” posts, or you learn about a new “hack”. One of my favorites that I recently just learned is how to properly use a “Corkscrew Climber” at the playground. It’s that twirly thing that you normally climb up, but guess [...]

How to Promote Your Plumbing Business with Digital Advertising

My water heater broke and being one of the least handyman-type guys I know, I can't fix it myself. That means I need to call a plumbing company to come to my rescue before my garage turns into a swimming pool (which, in theory, would be nice to have too). The question is, who do I call? Why do I [...]

Are You Reaching Road Warriors This Summer?

When looking at the days of the week, my favorite day isn’t Saturday or Sunday, or even Friday; it’s Thursday. Thursday is when you’re close to the weekend and you have the whole weekend to look forward to, including a Friday night. May is my version of Thursday when it comes to months because we are getting so close to [...]

What digital advertising products to use for Summer festivals and attractions?

Cowabunga Dudes! Summer is just around the corner, and for festivals and summer attractions, it’s time to start thinking about how to best use your marketing budget to help increase business this year.  Using Digital Advertising will allow you to pinpoint the audience you want to reach and invite them into your business. There are many ways that you can [...]

Influencer Marketing for Social Mirror Ads

In today’s world, digital marketing has become a crucial aspect of every business.  With social media personalities on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube becoming increasingly popular, businesses have started to shift their focus toward influencer marketing.  Influencer marketing has proved to be a powerful tool in reaching out to a vast audience and generating more leads. What are some [...]

Are You Advertising During The Super Bowl?

I grew up in Syracuse, New York which is known for two things: snow and Syracuse University sports. While most people are familiar with the longtime Syracuse basketball head coach, Jim Boeheim, but my favorite thing about Syracuse University is football. It is the home of the legendary number 44 for Jim Brown, Floyd Little, and Ernie Davis. Growing up, [...]

Sporting Event Success Story: Professional Soccer Team Dominates Ticket Sales with Digital!

A professional soccer team needed to boost Season tickets for their upcoming season as well as single game ticket sales throughout the year. Digital Strategy: Our client is a professional soccer team that hosts over 30 games a year at a stadium that holds 7900 attendees.  Previous media strategies for ticket sales included traditional tactics like TV and Radio. With [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:24:54+00:00January 25, 2023|Categories: Digital Marketing|Tags: , , , , , |

Should You Advertise During Your Slow Season?

How are you doing with your New Year’s Resolution? Have you skipped the gym already? Have you polished off that bag of Cheetos all by yourself? Have you already thrown out your 40oz Stanley mug because carrying around 40oz of water turns out to be way more annoying than you thought? Or maybe you have changed out water for wine [...]

What Were the Most Popular Verticals in 2022?

December is always the month where we reflect on the last 12 months and see how we grew and what we can do to move forward. Personally, I like to see what technology thinks of how I lived my last 12 months with things like Spotify’s “Wrapped”, and Instagram’s “Top 9”. According to Spotify, I don’t branch out much with [...]

What Digital Products Work Best for Colleges and Universities?

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve seen a surge in spending for colleges and universities.  At first, a lot of campuses started to promote their online classes.  Since then, online classes are still a topic for discussion.  But now, we also see an increase in the promotion of specific schools or programs at each college. From English as a Second Language [...]

A safer way to advertise with X (previously Twitter)

X (previously Twitter) safety is all the buzz right now and advertisers are jumping ship. Should you? X (previously Twitter) has historically been an advertising giant with over $4B in ad revenues last year. Top advertisers on Twitter have included big names like Anheuser-Busch, Apple, Capital One, CBS, Coca-Cola, Best Buy Co, Google, IBM,  Mondelez, P&G, among others. Musk promised [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:12:19+00:00December 12, 2022|Categories: Social Mirror|Tags: , |

Introduction of Social Mirror OTT Ads

As technology advances, so does the need for creativity.   When you can advance both at the same time, that puts you ahead of your competition.  That is what we do.  We always Beta Test new and innovative technologies to keep our clients on the cutting edge.  We want you to have everything that is new and shiny, and an opportunity [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:12:05+00:00October 24, 2022|Categories: Social Mirror|Tags: , |

How do Clients use Digital Advertising in October?

The Starbucks Pumpkin Spice latte debuts today, August 30, 2022.  Yes, there’s a feeling in the air with marketers, that October is right around the corner.  That means pumpkin-spiced everything. Walks to raise money for Breast Cancer Awareness. A high volume of commercials from the politicians who are running for office.  Fall is officially upon us, and advertisers have a [...]

Are You Investing in Digital this Political Season?

The “ber” months are approaching quickly and that means cooler weather, reasons to eat a lot of pie, and everyone’s favorite- political season. That’s right, political season is already ramping up and we are seeing and hearing ads for all sorts of political races from local ballots to nationwide races. This year, political ad spending is set to smash records [...]

Are You Following the Proper Steps to Close Digital Sales?

ABC is an acronym for a lot of things. If you’re learning CPR, they teach you ABC to look for Airway, Breathing, and Circulation. If you’re a parent, ABC could mean “Another Blowout Coming”. In the broadcasting world, ABC stands for American Broadcasting Company. In sales, ABC is most commonly known as “Always Be Closing”, and in this case, ABC [...]

How Are You Overcoming Digital Objections?

Being in sales can really make you relate to the life of a toddler in the sense that they are constantly told “no”. For example, when my three-year-old wants to wear shorts but it’s snowing outside, he hears “no”. When he refuses to eat his dinner but asks for ice cream before bed, he again hears “no”. When he wants [...]

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