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Are Your Digital Ads Being Served on Legitimate Websites and Apps?

Typically, when we double something, it’s a good thing. You can’t have a bad day if you get a double scoop ice cream cone, a double cheeseburger, or you double your salary. The same holds true when it comes to digital advertising. One hesitation with business owners that maybe aren’t familiar with digital advertising or have done it in the [...]

Targeting an Event With Digital? What You Need To Know

Event based targeting is becoming extremely popular among digital marketers, mainly because it gives you an opportunity to have a presence at the event, even without a physically being there.  But event targeting is not a one-size fits all strategy.  Depending on what is capturing event attendees’ attention, different digital tools should be utilized to effectively market your business. Targeting [...]

What Is Geo-Framing?

Geo-Framing technology allow us to go back in time to previous events where we have captured people’s mobile Unique Device ID’s, map those Unique Device ID’s to their homes, and show those people ads now, across all devices.  It combines the best of aspects of Geo-Fencing and Household IP Targeting. How does it work? If the event you are interested [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:47:03+00:00November 25, 2017|Categories: Geo-fencing, Geo-targeting, Household IP Targeting, Mobile|Tags: , , |
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