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Are You Using the Latest, Most Innovative Digital Products?

Mirror Mirror on the wall; what is one of the most innovative digital products of them all? If you guessed Social Mirror™ ads, you nailed it! This is a product that we launched back in November of 2020 and in less than a year it has gained enough popularity to become the second most used digital product that we offer. [...]

Top Questions Answered about Facebook’s New ‘Off Facebook’ Network

Facebook is once again going head to head with Google to win the biggest piece of the $59.6 billion pie that is the digital advertising market.  Collectively, Google and Facebook own 64% of that total online revenue, with Google leading the way with $30 billion with Facebook taking $8 billion.  One huge advantage Google has over Facebook is Google’s ability [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:55:01+00:00July 19, 2016|Categories: Digital Marketing, Facebook, Instagram, Mobile, Uncategorized|Tags: , , |
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