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facebook insights

Do You Know How to Read Your Facebook Insights?

When I think of Facebook, there is one thing that comes to mind and it’s the song “Changes” by David Bowie, because they are always ch-ch-ch-chaning things up! Some of the most recent changes that Facebook made has been discontinuing the use of Job Listing ads, no longer showing ads in Instant Articles, and only being able to target 13- [...]

What Are Your Competitors Doing for Digital Advertising?

When I was selling radio advertising, one of the very first things I did when I would get a new business on the air is to tell them they were about to get a lot of phone calls from other media groups. Different radio stations were going to call and ask for a meeting, along with other TV stations, local [...]

How-To-Guide On Understanding Your Facebook Insights And Analytics

Most small businesses have a business Facebook Page but are you understanding the wealth of information you can get from Facebook about people who interact with your Page? This is our step-by-step guide to walk you through some of the most valuable information you might be interested in learning. Facebook calls their analytics “Insights” and you can access it right [...]

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