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facebook audience network

Are You Using the Latest, Most Innovative Digital Products?

Mirror Mirror on the wall; what is one of the most innovative digital products of them all? If you guessed Social Mirror™ ads, you nailed it! This is a product that we launched back in November of 2020 and in less than a year it has gained enough popularity to become the second most used digital product that we offer. [...]

Are You Reaching Consumers While they are Using Apps?

How many times have you been trying to hang a picture on a wall and you want to see if it’s level, but you’re too lazy to go out to the garage or basement and get a level? Well, now you don’t have to because there’s an app for that! There is also an app that you can use if [...]

How do I target a specific audience on Facebook? (Example)

When developing your marketing strategy, it is important to make sure to identify your core audience. Targeting too broad, yields a lot of waste, narrowing in too thin, may exclude some ideal prospects. A happy medium of targeting is usually the best place to start. Targeting is critical. Ads relevant to your audience mean they are more likely to become [...]

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