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Are You Reaching Road Warriors This Summer?

When looking at the days of the week, my favorite day isn’t Saturday or Sunday, or even Friday; it’s Thursday. Thursday is when you’re close to the weekend and you have the whole weekend to look forward to, including a Friday night. May is my version of Thursday when it comes to months because we are getting so close to [...]

How Are You Overcoming Digital Objections?

Being in sales can really make you relate to the life of a toddler in the sense that they are constantly told “no”. For example, when my three-year-old wants to wear shorts but it’s snowing outside, he hears “no”. When he refuses to eat his dinner but asks for ice cream before bed, he again hears “no”. When he wants [...]

What Is Twitch And How Do I Use It For My Video Ads?

Sometimes it happens when I’m stressed. Sometimes it happens when my husband leaves his dirty clothes RIGHT next to the laundry basket. Sometimes it happens when I’ve had too much caffeine. We’ve all been there; we’ve all had an eye twitch at one time or another. Well, what if I told you we are now offering a new type of [...]

How Are You Marketing Your Retail Business?

Everywhere you go, look, and turn, there are different types of advertisements for retail establishments. Just this morning I heard a Chick-fil-A ad on the radio for a new location opening just 6 miles from my house (I am in trouble), I also received a text message ad for a 20% off Bed, Bath, and Beyond coupon, and yesterday when [...]

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