Tag - co-op

Are You Using “Free Money” to Help Pay for Your Advertising?

Love makes the world go around, right? Sure it does, but so does money, and Jerry Maguire said it best; “Show me the money!” What could possibly be better than money? How about free money! In the advertising world, that is a real thing for certain businesses, and it is called Cooperative Advertising, or Co-Op. This is when advertisements...

Understanding Digital Co-Op Advertising And Terms

How does a small business access digital advertising Co-Op funds? The answer is, unfortunately, many don’t. Even though it is estimated that 43% of small businesses carry or represent products from national brands that offer Co-Op reimbursement for advertising, less than half those businesses use the funds they’ve earned. Why? Over half (52%) of local retailers...

What is Co-Op Advertising? (Example)

Cooperative advertising is a great way to help supplement media spending and even increase your ROI by reaching more of your target audience. What is Co-Op Advertising? Cooperative advertising is when a business or brand who wishes to advertise, whether it be via radio, print, television, or digital, partners with a manufacturer of a product that they sell, and runs ads with that...