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call to action

What Are the New Call to Action Buttons with Social Mirror Ads?

When most people heard that Beyonce was making a crossover country album, they went up in arms. Myself, as an avid country music fan, I was pumped! Beyonce is a queen and country music is my jam, so what’s not to love? It’s the best of both worlds! That is also how I feel about the new Social Mirror call [...]

What Are Native Video Ads?

Alright, so a Native Ad walks into a bar and sees a Video Ad and says “hey there, video; you sure do make quite the impression” and 9 months later we have the newest addition to our digital toolbox- Native Video ads!  When we talk about Native ads, we explain that they match the look, feel, and visual context of [...]

Do I need a call-to-action in my digital ads?

The short answer is “yes.”  A picture and a logo typically aren’t going to get you good results.  Look at this stat: Effective digital advertising is not really about “clicks” or “likes.” In fact, most people don’t click on ads (the national average Click Thru Rate is .07% meaning less than 1 in 1000 people click on an ad). Having [...]

By |2024-08-01T02:42:18+00:00August 23, 2016|Categories: Conversions, CTR, Digital Marketing, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |

How To Create Successful Ads For Facebook News Feed

An ad campaign with good copy can still fail if it is partnered with bad ad creative. In order to avoid such failure, it is important to understand the key aspects of a good, successful ad. One aspect that I always suggest is to try to tailor the ad to the medium or platform on which it is running. For instance, [...]

Digital Ad Terms You Need To Know

A/B Testing: When you compare different versions of digital ads or website landing pages to see which one performs better. An A/B test for digital ads would be running two different versions of ad creative and then measuring which version gets a higher engagement from viewers. Above The Fold: This is a term from the print advertising industry. In digital, [...]

Just What Is An Effective CTA?

CTA is Call-To-Action!  You can have the greatest digital strategy implemented but if your ads don’t have an equally great CTA – a compelling reason for the person to click or convert - then your campaign will not get the results you want. So, just what is an effective CTA?  Something that reaches out and grabs your potential customer and [...]

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