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Address Retargeting

Are You Using a List to Target Consumers?

You make one for the week, you make one for grocery shopping, you make one for going on vacation, and you even make one for the big guy in red to check over in December, and he does that twice. Lists. They have been around forever and are very helpful for making sure you don’t forget anything, and that you [...]

How Are You Marketing Your Retail Business?

Everywhere you go, look, and turn, there are different types of advertisements for retail establishments. Just this morning I heard a Chick-fil-A ad on the radio for a new location opening just 6 miles from my house (I am in trouble), I also received a text message ad for a 20% off Bed, Bath, and Beyond coupon, and yesterday when [...]

How Can Auto Dealers Use Advanced Digital Advertising?

Before we go full throttle into all the different ways in which auto dealers can utilize digital ads to drive traffic into their dealerships and increase sales, I couldn’t resist throwing in some fun puns to start us off. There is no denying that the automotive vertical is one that is fueling the advertising industry. It seems like no matter [...]

What is Mobile Conquesting Address Targeting and How Does It Work?

With the COVID-19 pandemic we’ve seen a consumer shift like no other.   With millions of people out of work or working from home, their behavior with devices while quarantined has dramatically changed.  Advertisers need a way to target their customers when they are at home on their mobile devices.  With our new Address Targeting product, we have that solution. Being [...]

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