Let’s face it…people love their smart phones. Really! And…they can’t really live without them. What would consumers give up instead of their smartphones? Here’s what the Boston Consulting Group found in their survey.

We have our phones attached to us at all times, in some form. Whether it’s in your purse, in your pocket, in your bag, or, in most cases, in your hands, we carry our phones with us every where we go. That’s why Mobile Advertising, or Mobile Conquesting™ as we call it, continues to evolve so quickly. These advertiser-friendly upgrades and additions make it one of the top products used by our clients across the country. These updates include Cross Device Targeting and Cross Platform Targeting.

Not everything has changed with Mobile Conquesting™ though. The targeting options and how the ads are served are still the same. Once you have a geographic area in mind to target, you then can utilize both online and offline behaviors to reach your potential customers. Online behaviors target people who have shown specific behaviors online or are within a certain demographic. Offline behaviors targets people based on where they have been tracked with their phone recently (i.e. business, location, or specific brand name store). The placement of ads continue to be served on apps and mobile websites that people browse/use while their on their mobile devices.

Geo-Fencing and Geo-Retargeting

One of the most utilized functions of the Mobile Conquesting™ ad product is the use of Geo-Fencing and Geo-Retargeting.  Geo-Fencing, a term you have probably heard many times, is where you can target people inside a tight radius, in real time while at a specific location. You could target them while they’re at your competitors’ locations, certain businesses, or event events. With this function, a virtual fence is placed around your desired list of locations. Then, when someone enters the fenced location with their mobile device, you now have the ability to have an ad served to them if they are browsing apps and websites that accept ads. At some point, we know those people at those Geo-Fenced locations are going to leave. That’s where Geo-Retargeting comes into play. This function allows us to continue to target those mobile devices that were within the Geo-Fences, much like retargeting follows people online after they leave a specific website. This strategy allows us to continue to target those potential customers that visited your set of locations.

Now, we can take this one step further. Ever hear the expression “Keeping up with the Jones”? I’m not sure who the Jones’ are, but everyone wants to keep up with them. Utilizing a function called Geo-Retargeting Lookalike, not only can we follow people after they leave the Geo-Fenced area, but now we have the ability to also target people that live near them. Basically, on the premise that people that live in the same neighborhoods are typically of the same socioeconomic level, we want to be able to broaden our reach. For example, Car Dealership A wants to Geo-Fence Car Dealership B and serve ads to people that go to that dealership. We can Geo-Fence car dealership B. Then, with Geo-Retargeting, we can follow those people after they leave car dealership B. Maybe they haven’t bought a car yet? Then, when one of those visitors to Car Dealership B gets home, we can start serving ads to people in their neighborhood in case someone else may want to buy a car.

Weather Trigger

For businesses that are impacted by weather, like a roofing company, or a car wash, Mobile Conquesting™ also offers Weather Trigger Targeting. With this function, a business’ ads would be served only when a certain weather condition takes place. Let’s say a car wash wants to promote their services and special pricing to entice car owners to get a wash after it rains. They could set a weather trigger campaign in place to only show their ads when it rains. This would allow the car wash to focus on that special.

Evolving. That’s what Mobile Conquesting™ does best. Here’s where a lot of these upgrades and enhancements come into play.

Address Targeting & Address Retargeting

Do you have a database of customers? Past customers? Leads? What if you were able to take that list and target 100% of them with your ads on their mobile devices? Address Targeting does just that. We can target people from your list of home addresses and serve ads to them when they are at that address. Then, we continue to follow them after they leave and show them your ads while they’re on the go, that’s the Address Retargeting.

This process works by submitting an excel list of your households you want to target with ads . As long as the list is your data, a minimum of 100 addresses, and if you do purchase a list, you’ll need to make sure it is an “opt-in to be marketed to list,” we can make it work.  The coordinates of each address are mapped, and then the ads are served to the users at that address when on their mobile devices on apps or websites containing ads. And..continues to show them ads when they are outside of their home.

It’s 100% privacy compliant because individual household information is not seen. The system sees it as a group of people to target – an audience. It’s also 100% match rate (well.. with the exception of individual apartment units and office suites, along with PO Boxes).

Cross Platform Targeting

Here’s another enhancement! Cross Platform Targeting. What if you could start by targeting someone on their mobile device, then continue to follow them onto other ad platforms on ANY device they use?! This is a really cool feature!

When the potential customer is served a Mobile Conquesting™ ad, a “universal pixel” is deployed with it. It organizes digital device IDs associated with an individual across all of their devices. It’s built when a user does something online to connect their IDs to other IDs associated with them, across multiple digital devices, using mobile device IDs, IP Addresses, and cookies. Basically, the “universal pixel” is finding that user on other advertising platforms by identifying the user on other devices being used by that person.

Think about this. You are Geo-Fencing a competitor. You start serving ads to potential customers that have been in their store. With Geo-Retargeting, you’re also serving ads on their mobile device after they leave your competitor. Now, what if you could also start serving ads to them on Facebook while their on their laptop? That’s exactly what Cross Platform Targeting can do.

You can utilize Cross Platform Targeting to reach people with Social Media ads, Native Display Ads, (regular) Display Ads or Video Pre-Roll ads. You’re targeting the same people and behavioral categories that you choose from Mobile Conquesting™; but now have the ability to target them on ANY device the person uses (not just mobile).

On-Site Visits

On-Site Visits. Being able to track ROI is important to every business. Being able to track on-site visits of people who have been served the mobile ad, is one of the methods that Mobile Conquesting™ offers to be able to do just that. We can track people who see your ad and then come to your business within two weeks after seeing it. We can’t track everyone that gets served your ad and visits your location. On average, we can track about 25% of the traffic. Here’s why. In order for us to track someone that has been served your ad and comes into your business, they must meet the following requirements:
– Visit your store within 2 weeks of seeing your ad
– Have their GPS function on their mobile device enabled
– Browsing on their phone while at your location

But, the good news is that every month you’d be able to see those verified visits on your monthly report as well as the estimated visits.

CBD Oil available on Mobile Conquesting™

Another enhancement is the opening up of the CBD Oil industry to be able to advertise with our Mobile Conquesting™ product. However, there are some rules. It has to be a CBD Oil ONLY business. They can’t sell cannabis or vaping products/accessories, even if the ad is only promoting CBD Oil. The website will get audited too. This will ensure they don’t sell anything else.

In addition:
– We can track on-site visits to the CBD Oil client’s location
– We CANNOT Geo-Fence or Geo-Retarget around competitor locations IF they sell cannabis
– Ad creative cannot include the words cannabis, marijuana, have pictures of cannabis leaves, vaping/smoking products, or extraordinary ailment claims

It’s definitely an improvement. As CBD continues to grow and the capabilities grow with it, we’ll keep you up to date.

Lastly, medical companies and medical targeting have always had a lot of restrictions. However, this industry has also been allowed to expand its ability to utilize Mobile Conquesting™. You can now target using job titles, specific diseases and other medical terms and categories. This is huge for this industry and they also can now target people on their mobile devices.

As a business owner, the goal is to be able to target your potential customers wherever they go. Mobile Conquesting™ has proven to be a multi-faceted tool to be able to accomplish that. It’s almost like the Swiss Army Knife. It’s got a solution to basically every challenge. As you’re looking to reach your potential customers, our Mobile Conquesting™ should definitely be one of the tools that you use.