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Surfing the Waves of Change: Chrome’s Next Move in Phasing Out Third-Party Cookies 🌐🍪

Grab your virtual surfboards because we're about to ride the waves of cookie-tracking technology. Chrome, our trusty browser companion, is gearing up for the next big move in its quest for online privacy. What's the buzz, you ask? Well, it's all about saying farewell to those sneaky third-party cookies that have been trailing us across the web. On January 4, [...]

By |2024-08-01T02:42:09+00:00January 30, 2024|Categories: Google, Retargeting, Technology|Tags: , , |

Threads by Meta: A New Chapter in Social Media Storytelling

In the fast-paced world of social media, where trends come and go, one innovation is making waves and transforming the way we connect, share, and engage online - Threads by Meta. Threads, the brainchild of Meta, formerly known as Facebook, is an exciting new chapter in social media storytelling that has taken the digital landscape by storm. Let’s explore the [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:12:20+00:00August 3, 2023|Categories: Technology|Tags: , , , |

What Are Universal IDs Or Unified IDs And What Happens When Cookies Go Away?

Cookies, line of code used to track users across the internet and target ads to them, are going away.  Apple’s Safari browser already uses Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) to limit companies’ abilities to track users by blocking third-party cookies that collect this type of data.  Mozilla’s Firefox browser has “Enhanced Tracking Protection” set on as default, blocking all “known third-party [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:12:00+00:00December 18, 2020|Categories: Ad Blocking, Digital Media, Google, Technology|Tags: , , |

Vici Ranked Number 370 Fastest-Growing Company in North America on Deloitte’s 2019 Technology Fast 500™

Attributes 254% Revenue Growth to Stellar Digital Technology Run by Best-In-Class Philadelphia-Based Ad Buying TeamPhiladelphia PA, November 7, 2019 — Vici, headquartered in Philadelphia PA today announced it ranked 370 on Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500™, a ranking of the 500 fastest-growing technology, media, telecommunications, life sciences and energy tech companies in North America now in its 25th year. Vici Media [...]

I don’t have time to meet. Can you just send me your presentation?

If you are in sales, you have heard this statement. Probably many times and in different ways: “Just send me your notes.” “Just email me the pricing.” “Just forward your pitch.” All too often when we hear this, we jump to it and start drafting long emails with lots of notes and attaching presentation materials. We give it all away [...]

By |2024-08-01T02:36:43+00:00June 24, 2018|Categories: Digital Marketing, sales, Sales Strategy, Technology|Tags: , , |

A Tool I’m Totally Geeking Out Over Right Now: Hotjar

Having been in the digital marketing business for quite some time I've tested out a lot of different tools: SEO tools, website auditing tools, keyword creation tools, pixel finding tools, traffic monitoring tools, etc.  I recently stumbled across a tool that I find completely fascinating and is helping to improve the efficiency of our website called Hotjar. In a nutshell, [...]

Digital Advertising: A History Lesson

When you think of where digital marketing is in 2015, I'm amazed everyday at how quickly advancements are being made to deliver beautiful marketing to the sophisticated web users.  As web users we expect a lot.   We are more informed about our purchases being made online and offline.   We have means of communicating to other consumers to inform [...]

“How To…” Take Advantage of a New Digital Marketing Trend

Do you know how to survive a shipwreck?  What about tie a tie, change a tire, apply makeup, dance the Whip/Nae Nae, or cook the perfect poached egg?  You can  learn these skills and more through step-by-step instructional videos on YouTube.  And consumer's love these handy tutorials.  Google says that YouTube how-to video searches have increased 70% this year over [...]

Google AdWords Announces Cross Device Conversion Tracking

Remember the days when the only place you could access the internet was through a clunky, heavy desktop computer?  Those clunky computers may seem like a distant memory compared to the dozens of choices tech users have when they want to explore the internet.  Today’s tech users juggle multiple devices like laptops, mobile devices, tablets and now even watches that [...]

How the Millennial Smartphone Addiction Can Benefit You

Do millennials ever put their phones down? No.  In fact, 24% of millennials attached themselves to their smartphones less than 5 minutes after waking up.  An even more astounding 52% of millennials start using their smart phones just after being awake for 5 minutes.  Throughout the rest of the day, these digital obsessed millennials are likely to check their smartphones [...]

Desktop Reigns Supreme in Ecommerce Traffic and Revenue

You have probably heard a lot about new digital marketing trends for digital devices.  It seems like every week a new research study proves which digital device customers prefer for shopping and browsing. With all the trends, statistics and competition among devices, it is easy to get overwhelmed trying to keep up with the dozens of ways to attract a customer [...]

Should you invest in a mobile app? Hmmm…maybe not.

Making an app for your business seems to be what everyone's doing right now. 2014 was even referred to as the “year of mobile," however, the roles mobile played in 2014 will be changing in 2015. Mobile is expected to become such a normal part of one’s daily life, it will eventually fade from consumers' consciousness. The differences between accessing the [...]

Don’t Make the Same Digital Marketing Mistakes in 2015

At only 2 weeks into the new year, there have been plenty of new tips created on how to make 2015 your most successful year yet.  But reading lists on top of lists about what your business should be doing but isn't doing yet can be intimidating and overwhelming.  It takes time for you and your consumers to adapt to [...]

Mobile Window Shopping: Look but Don’t Buy

As smart phone usage increases rapidly in America, the technical abilities of new phones become more and more advanced to add convenience to their users’ lives.  The smart phone population realized that their phone is essentially a mini desktop computer that allows them to fulfill any task on the web without the constrictions of desktop computers or even Wi-Fi. Despite [...]

The Omnichannel Experience: Coming to Screens Near You in 2015

The Omnichannel Experience may sound like an action movie you would see in an IMAX theatre, but this concept is a new marketing trend that is expected to explode in 2015. The omnichannel marketing experience is a term that describes the seamless, cross-channel shopping habits that consumers have latched on to this holiday season and are expected to stay latched [...]

Tips on Talking to Young Women

Millennials, or the generation born between 1980-2000, have inherited a reputation of being “entitled,” “enigmatic,” and even “slackers.”  Unfortunately, it is not only the millennials as a whole who are underestimated and underrepresented, it is the women within the 16-34 age group who are the most misunderstood, despite their huge buying power.  Small businesses seeking the attention of women 25-54 [...]

Mobile Marketing Milestone: Golden Age of Internet Advertising

The 1950’s were called the Golden Age of Television, when the TV launched the population's addiction to the small screen.  More than six decades later, the population is starting to shift their addiction to an even smaller screen. According to a new report from Forrester Research, online ad spending will surpass TV ad spending for the first time as soon [...]

Desktop is Not Dead! The Evolution of Desktop and Mobile Marketing

Desktops computers soared to popularity in the 1990’s and became a household item, like a microwave, or a television.  In the 2000’s a new normal revolutionized on the go technology with mobile phones.  The evolution of mobile phone technology ultimately lead to the status quo of the smartphone, which are ultimately monopolized by Android and Apple.  Easy access to calendars, [...]

If Your Mobile Site Doesn’t Load in 3 Seconds, Your Customers Aren’t Happy

Ready or not, the holiday season is upon us.  While some of us are already planning on procrastinating holiday shopping until Christmas Eve and some of us are still in denial that it isn't July anymore, the most avid shoppers have had their credit cards ready since the first leaf of the season changed.  But this year, instead of fighting [...]

Generation X Edges Out Millenials in Facebook Use…But Not Selfies.

Generation X, the middle population of 65 million Americans ages 34-49, are frequently recognized as being squished in between the older, dominant Baby Boomers and the young, free-spirited Millennials.  And boy does Generation X love their mobile technology and social media!  Despite blatantly targeting every new tech trend to be marketed towards millennials, it's Gen Xers that spend the most time [...]

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