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How To Use Digital Ads To Target Travelers For Tourism & Travel Businesses

I’m leaving on a jet plane, don’t know when I’ll be back again. (Did you just reread that so you can sing it?)  OK, I’m not currently taking a trip, though that sounds amazing right now, but a lot of people are. It’s no wonder that people who were homebound for a majority of 2020, had a lot of time [...]

How Can Auto Dealers Use Advanced Digital Advertising?

Before we go full throttle into all the different ways in which auto dealers can utilize digital ads to drive traffic into their dealerships and increase sales, I couldn’t resist throwing in some fun puns to start us off. There is no denying that the automotive vertical is one that is fueling the advertising industry. It seems like no matter [...]

How Do You Target Your Advertising During the Holidays?

Oh Quaren-tree, Oh Quaran-tree… what will this holiday season be? Pivot left. Pivot right.  How many more times can we pivot this year?  For some of us, we have already been pioneers in curbside pickup and same day delivery.  While we do not know exactly what holiday shopping is going to look like this year, we can be sure that [...]

How Does Mobile Targeted Advertising Work?

Let’s face it…people love their smart phones. Really! And…they can’t really live without them. What would consumers give up instead of their smartphones? Here’s what the Boston Consulting Group found in their survey. We have our phones attached to us at all times, in some form. Whether it’s in your purse, in your pocket, in your bag, or, in most [...]

Digital Advertising Trends

Election season is basically upon us, and we know that every election year, there are so many changes within the economy.  What businesses are going to spend what, and where are they going to spend it? Before we look at 2020, let’s take a quick look at how 2019 digital ad spending will most likely end.  Here’s a quick chart [...]

What techniques are most popular for Professional Services?

According to a survey by BIA’s Local Advertising Forecast, the professional service industries will spend $2.5 Billion on mobile ads in 2019.  These industries include law firms and legal businesses along with engineering, architects and computer/technology services.  These are the industries that will spend the most. Other industries within this vertical include accounting (CPAs), advertising agencies, photography services, and more. [...]

When should you Geo-Target and when should you Geo-Fence and what is the difference?

There are several “geo” terms in digital advertising, and it can be complicated to determine which option is best for your campaign. With so many opportunities and choices it is important to understand the differences. First let’s define our “Geo” terms: Geo-Targeting (Geographic Targeting):  all digital ads are geographically targeted meaning we serve ads to specific geographic areas like a [...]

Do Credit Unions Utilize Digital Advertising?

In short, the answer is yes!  But, to get a good look at what works and what doesn’t, let’s take a deeper dive into how much they are spending, and what they are spending that money on. According to, Credit Unions spend between $9.92 – $14.83 per member on advertising.  Now, that number can vary depending on the size [...]

What Are Top Digital Advertising Industries For 2019? (Example)

As 2019 approaches, it’s imperative that we understand what’s working and continue to add fuel to the fire. Following up to our last blog about preparing for next year, we wanted to share with you some of the top industries spending money in Digital Marketng. Breweries. Breweries are popping up all over the country. Their individual spin on some classic [...]

Targeting an Event With Digital? What You Need To Know

Event based targeting is becoming extremely popular among digital marketers, mainly because it gives you an opportunity to have a presence at the event, even without a physically being there.  But event targeting is not a one-size fits all strategy.  Depending on what is capturing event attendees’ attention, different digital tools should be utilized to effectively market your business. Targeting [...]

What Is Geo-Framing?

Geo-Framing technology allow us to go back in time to previous events where we have captured people’s mobile Unique Device ID’s, map those Unique Device ID’s to their homes, and show those people ads now, across all devices.  It combines the best of aspects of Geo-Fencing and Household IP Targeting. How does it work? If the event you are interested [...]

By |2024-07-25T16:47:03+00:00November 25, 2017|Categories: Geo-fencing, Geo-targeting, Household IP Targeting, Mobile|Tags: , , |

What is Geo-Farming with digital ads? (Example)

You may have heard about a new tactic that’s becoming popular with advertisers seeking to reach people on their mobile devices…It’s called by some Geo-Farming. It’s also referred to as Geo-Retargeting (what we at Vici call it). Why can’t everybody in the digital ad game agree to call things by the same name? Let’s save that for another day!  What [...]

Marketing on Mobile? Here are some must know terms, and how to use them.

If you're deciding to run a mobile-only marketing campaign you're following a popular trend of many advertisers.  Attention is the currency of marketing.  Smartphones garner a lot of our attention and people spend a lot of time on the internet on their phones.  Earlier this year comScore broke down the highest users of mobile internet minutes in the world and [...]

The Rise of Location-Targeted Advertising

Real estate agents’ favorite line is now moving into the field of digital marketing: location, location, location. The number of smartphone users is rapidly increasing; it is predicted that the number of smartphone users will reach two billion people worldwide this year. This means that where consumers go, their smartphones go as well, creating the perfect environment for location-based marketing. [...]

How Are Auto Buyers Using Mobile In Their Path To Purchase?

The average American consumer considers 2 or more types of vehicles and 5 brands before making their car-purchasing decision. 60% of people are “in market” for a car for at least 6 months, gathering research and seeking advice to help guide their decision making. This is according to a research study  commissioned by Facebook and done by Ipsos Media to [...]

A Majority Of Digital Shoppers Say Targeted Ads Are “Helpful” – Really!

It is estimated that a person living in a city 30 years ago saw up to 2,000 ad messages a day, compared with up to 5,000 today according to recent research.  With so many messages bombarding consumers on the daily – how do you break through and get your message to the right consumer?  By targeting. Targeting consumers online can [...]

Geo-Fencing and Geo-Targeting: What’s the Difference? (Example)

Digital jargon can be pretty confusing at times.  Many words can have different meanings and it's important to dig further into their true definitions.  For example, keyword targeting could mean Pay-Per-Click, organic keyword display, or can even mean targeting keywords on your website to increase a websites SEO value.  See what I mean? Confusing! Most often confused? GEOs!  I often [...]

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