The answer to that is a resounding YES! If you are not familiar with what Social Mirror Ads are, first have a look at my last blog and explore more details here. In a nutshell, Social Mirror ads mimic the look and feel of top social media platforms. However, the ads appear not on the social platforms, but on thousands of other websites and apps and run across all devices. Each ad links back to the social platform it is mirroring and, has a second call to action button that links to the advertiser’s website!  Ads contain unique social actions related back to the originating platform (for example, the like icon, the heart icon, the pinning icon, the retweet icon… those actions are available). These ads can integrate with all the major social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linked In, Pinterest, TikTok, Snapchat, and YouTube. Creatively, ads can be display, video or carousel.

While I think it is always amazing to learn about a new product, I think it is even more impactful to see how that new product is actually working in real life! Since our rollout of Social Mirror ads here at Vici our clients are going wild for them!

Don’t take my word for it, read through a handful of real-life recent success stories here from a variety of different verticals of businesses so you can get a sense of how well these ads work.

Let’s start with one of my favorite categories of business, jewelry! We were working with a fourth generation jewelry store who for over 70 years has promoted the ultimate shopping experience to every customer as they shopped for engagement rings, wedding bands, Swiss watches and fine jewelry.

An online campaign was designed and launched utilizing Social Mirror Ads to promote their fine line of estate jewelry; custom made jewelry capabilities; and engagement rings. Behavioral Targeting categories were selected to target adults who were “in-market” to buy engagement rings or custom jewelry. The geography being targeted to was a 35-mile radius around their location. Potential customers were served ads across hundreds of websites and apps that mirrored their most popular Pinterest posts. Online traffic was directed to a website page where customers could schedule a viewing at the store or explore financing options.

The Results? We had over 150,000 ads served and 2,596 clicks on the ads for a click through rate of 1.71% which is over 24x the national display ad average of 0.07%.  The client was extremely happy with the brand awareness and online engagement created for their store.

Next up, let’s look a marketing solutions agency. The agency had just launched a new online business directory promoting local businesses in dozens of different sectors such as financial, healthcare, education, real estate, travel, tourism, and retail services and restaurants, and they needed a digital strategy to promote it.

An online campaign was designed and launched utilizing Social Mirror Ads to promote the business directory. This free, open-for-business directory was a great way to promote local businesses online. The directory of businesses can be searched by zip code or cities. The target was B2B decision makers in either marketing or research, small business owners, entrepreneurs, or C-suite executives.  The geography being targeted was a list of zip codes that cover a 50-mile radius of the local area.

The Business-to-Business targeting strategy included a Social Mirror Ad strategy mirroring the look of their LinkedIn post using the B2B Behavioral Targeting categories listed above, and running across hundreds of websites and apps.  People who clicked on the LinkedIn icon on the Social Mirror Ad, were directed to the advertiser’s LinkedIn page.  People who clicked on the “Learn More” button were directed to a specific landing page created to redirect all traffic that engaged, back to the directory so business owners could create their listings.

Results on this one? We had just over 100,000 ads served and 790 clicks on the ads for a click through rate of 0.79% which is over 11x the national display ad average of 0.07%.  The client was delighted!

Now let’s look at a success for a completely different vertical, addiction treatment.

In this case we were working with a regional addiction treatment center, who turned to digital advertising to generate more leads. They had realized great success in digital overall and were looking for new ways to reach even more people who suffer from addiction, especially during COVID-19. The goal was to increase patient lead intake online.

Social Mirror Ad mirroring their Facebook post was recommended to broaden the reach of social audiences outside of the Facebook app. An online campaign was designed and launched utilizing a Social Mirror strategy to engage adults who feel isolated and alone and need help. The call to action was, “I want treatment now” that directed them to a phone number or a click to a landing page with comforting messages that could connect them with help and encouraged them to fill out a form or engage in live chat messaging.

The results were staggering. In addition to other digital products, we added 150,806 Social Mirror Ad impressions which resulted in 4,421 clicks with a click thru rate of 2.93%. This is a remarkable percentage as it is nearly 42x the national display ad average. Plus, the campaign had 163 view thru visits (home page visits) and 11 new patient conversions in the first month of launch.  With a per patient ROI of $3500, the client was thrilled with the results of this cutting-edge strategy.

Finally, let’s look at how a local Hyundai dealership found success using Social Mirror Ads.

The dealership currently uses several digital marketing strategies to drive people to their dealership for test drives, trade ins, and purchasing a new or used car/SUV.

They were already running a digital campaign that included several different targeting strategies such as Native Display and Video Ads, Social Media, Mobile Conquesting, OTT, Pre-Roll, and Google Pay-Per-Click ads, so we added in Social Mirror ads mirroring the look of their YouTube video post. By doing this, they were able to extend the reach of their targeted audience by targeting consumers that have shown the behavior of “In-Market for Auto Loans”, “In-Market for Autos & Vehicles”, and “In-Market for Hyundai” by utilizing a :30 video. With the YouTube Social Mirror ads, users could “like” the post, share the post, or click “Shop Now” and be brought to their website in order to browse the new and used car inventory.

Through the YouTube Social Mirror Ads, the dealership received 149,857 additional impressions with 1,083 clicks that resulted in a click thru rate of .72%, which is 10x the national average for display ads. The YouTube Social Mirror ad campaign was a great additional element to an already diverse digital marketing campaign.

So there you have it! From jewelry to automotive and from B2B to addiction treatments, all kinds of Vici clients are seeing success using Social Mirror.