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social media marketing to women

Tips on Talking to Young Women

Millennials, or the generation born between 1980-2000, have inherited a reputation of being “entitled,” “enigmatic,” and even “slackers.”  Unfortunately, it is not only the millennials as a whole who are underestimated and underrepresented, it is the women within the 16-34 age group who are the most misunderstood, despite their huge buying power.  Small businesses seeking the attention of women 25-54 [...]

Men vs. Women Online: An Infographic

When marketing online or with mobile, men and women can't be treated equally. Check out the compelling infographic below which speaks to gender trends in social media and advertising and how it affects men and women differently. Some interesting points: Women send text messages more often than men More women look for support in social media Women are less likely [...]

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