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lead ads

Need New Business Leads? Let’s Talk Facebook Lead Ads.

With the state of our world and everything going online business leads become more and more important daily. Most businesses would tell you however, getting consumers to do what we want them to do online, can be challenging. Think about it; we are busy humans. Now more than ever. We are working remotely, doing school remotely, shopping remotely, managing our [...]

By |2023-06-08T14:13:13+00:00November 24, 2020|Categories: Facebook|Tags: , , |

Understanding Facebook’s News Feed Ads

In the last year Facebook has rolled out an amazing number of new products!  They now have several options to utilize to target potential customers with display or video ads based on demographics, interests, behaviors, or even a list of email addresses or phone numbers. While Right Hand Column ads have long been in place, we recommend using Right Column [...]

Facebook’s Lead Generation Ads Get Even Better

Facebook recently rolled out a new product called “Lead Ads.” Lead Ads were designed to give people a fast, easy and privacy-safe way to sign up to receive information from businesses right from their mobile phone and without leaving Facebook. Consumers expect to be able to do everything from their phones and Lead Ads make it easy for consumers to [...]

By |2024-08-01T02:42:06+00:00January 26, 2016|Categories: Digital Marketing, Facebook, Mobile, Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

How To Use Facebook & Instagram Ads For Automotive Dealers

With all the new Facebook and Instagram ad targeting options for automotive dealers, you need a “cheat sheet” to remember all the available options!  We’ve been testing this platform for automotive dealerships with stellar results.  Here are the basics you should know if this is an important vertical for you, and you can print it out and use for a [...]

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