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digital advertising for political

Political Digital Advertising 2024 Outlook: Seize the Opportunity to Boost Revenue

With 2024 on the horizon, it's time to gear up and tap into a revenue stream that promises to be as dynamic as it is impactful. So, get ready to buckle up as we take you through the thrilling landscape of political digital advertising and how you can position yourself to capture its potential revenue surge. We've all witnessed the [...]

By |2024-08-01T02:43:23+00:00September 14, 2023|Categories: Political|Tags: |

Using digital advertising for political campaigns

The votes were out and now they’re in!  No matter what party you represent, your goal is to win the election.   Digital Advertising is capable of aiding in your soon to be victory.  In fact, in 2020, online spending captured 22% of political ad budgets. As this number continues to grow annually, it’s important to understand the ins and [...]

How To Tap Into Local Political Campaign’s Digital Dollars!

According to Borrell Associates “Online political spending in 2016 across local, state, and national campaigns projected to hit $1 billion.”  That is a 500% increase since 2012.  Of that $1 Billion, 500 Million is expected to be spent on local elections.  In fact, the average town council race candidate will spend $47,000.  Politicians are absolutely allocating ad budgets for digital, to [...]

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