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Panic Over Click-Through Rates? Google Can Help!

Some of the most frequently asked questions in digital advertising revolve around click-through rates (CTR).  So what is a good CTR and what is a bad CTR?  The national average click-through rate for display ads as a whole is 0.07% (Criteo).  Keep in mind, that's across all industries and all ad sizes.  So it's important to know how your campaign [...]

Explaining the “View Through”

Think click-through rates (CTR) are the only way to manage engagement with your digital ads? WRONG!  View-through rate (VTR) can make a huge impact on your advertising strategy by showing what digital elements are working for your campaign.  A view-through measures someone seeing an ad, and then returning to your homepage through another channel, without clicking on the ad itself.  [...]

Why Don’t My Click Reports Match My Google Analytics? (Example)

Google Analytics is a terrific platform for understanding more about how visitors use your website.  However, keep in mind that it is not tracking data the same way that log servers track clicks. Click data is based on ad server logs from the ad exchange(s).  Analytics data (such as Google Analytics), is based on cookies or page loads. HOW GOOGLE [...]

“Completers” Are Better Than “Clickers”

If you are doing a video pre-roll campaign, there are a lot of metrics you can measure, but which are the most important? Impressions? Click-Through-Rates? Completion Rates? A study done by Vindico clearly demonstrated that what counts for video ad campaigns are Completion Rates, saying, “Click Through Rate is the King of False Positives” The report goes on to explain [...]

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