Our world is comprised of many types of people, from many walks of life and many different types of interests and lifestyles. Pretty cool right? You know what else is cool? Being able to reach ANY type of individual with digital. And now that we are in June, we all are surrounded by messages of Gay Pride Month and celebrating all the differences that exist and I wonder if the gay and transgender audience is an audience that can be reached with digital? You better believe it is. Summer historically is a time for events and a time to relax and celebrate. And with half of Americans 12 and older fully vaccinated the state of our country is nearing “normalcy”.  And mass gatherings and events are slowly starting to rise again, including many celebrations and festivals this month to support LGBT Pride Month.

How did you hear about a recent event? Or Festival? Online, I am sure. And this makes me all happy inside. Reaching this audience and many others for events and Festivals with digital is key.

Here are some of the best tactics and targets to reach the gay/transgendered community and event enthusiasts.


First, let’s start with social. As we all start to be a little more social, we are sharing it with pride on social media. So naturally, this is a great place to start to reach people about your socials concerns or Festival and events.

Some of the best ads to run can be Facebook and Instagram single image or video ads, carousel
and/or Facebook Event Response ads.

Great targeting categories include:


LGBTQ community/other LGBT+-related interests*


Live Events/concerts


*After Jan. 19, 2022 Facebook will be removing this as a targeting option, https://bit.ly/3E9i3eU



Studies show that the average user spends almost two and half hours a day on social media and 50% of our day on our mobile devices. We hop in and out of social media in and around our normal online activities. Social Mirror™ ads look like social media or display or video ads but appear on other websites and apps, linking back to the social media platform and the client’s website. The ads “mirror” the exact look and feel of a paid or organic post, targeted just to the people you need to reach across all devices. Social Mirror™ ads can be done with any organic or paid posts from your business account on these 8 social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, Pinterest, Snapchat, or YouTube.  Ads can be display, video, or carousel.

The targeting for Social Mirror™ can be more comprehensive than social media targeting. This includes keyword targeting, artificial intelligence (AI), retargeting and behavioral targeting. For keyword targeting, we can target a list of up to 500 keywords related to your business and show Social Mirror™ ads on the web pages where they appear. When you layer in AI, machine learning shows your display or video ads to people across all devices to target consumers based on who is engaging with the ad.  Retargeting allows us to follow people after they leave your client’s website and showing them your Social Mirror™ ad, on other websites and apps they go to, across all devices.

With behavioral targeting, there are thousands of targeting categories including demographics,
online and off-line behaviors, and interests. Some great ones to use include:

LBGT activists
LGBTQ advocacy
Hitting people with liberal views on LGBTQ rights and pro-choice
Marriage equality supporters
Society – Gay Life
Politics & Society – LGBT
Charitable Donors – LGBT Causes
Entertainment – Gay & Lesbian Movies
Voter Profile – LGBT Donors and Supporters
Sociodemographic – Lifestyle – LGBTQ
Gay Dating
Events & Tickets
Music Festivals
Arts & Culture

These same strategies and targeting can be used for display, native display or video, video pre-roll, Over the Top or Connected TV as well as online audio.



Mobile Conquesting is one of our most popular products and you will see why!  As consumers spend more of their online time on smartphones and tablets, it is important to include a mobile strategy in your digital marketing. Our Mobile Conquesting product allows advertisers to use both location-based targeting combined with demographic and behavioral targeting to reach desired consumers on their mobile devices.


There are some great features with Mobile Conquesting. First, we can target any geographic territory and then we can add some great categories like:

Young Professionals
Community Services
Community Organizations
Live Event Attendees
Park Lovers
Outdoor Enthusiasts
Social Events
Festival Events
Colleges & Universities

Next, we can also geo-fence places and events. If there is an upcoming Pride event and you want to reach that audience, this is a great tactic to use. The way it works is we virtually fence that area and work to serve ads to anyone in the fence. We can also serve ads after they leave the fence, using geo-retargeting to further the message to this audience.







Additionally, we can track visits to a business or event from anyone that has been served an ad.
This is a great ROI tool.

If you have a specific audience you are trying to reach, there is not match to digital. Take pride this month every month that you have the tools to take your next campaign to a whole new level. And let June be a reminder to be kind to one another.