As the holidays are near, 2019 is shortly on the heels of a remarkable digital year. Are you or your clients prepared for 2019? Have all the proper media channels for 2018 been evaluated and considered? Digital spending was up 21.9% in 2018 and is forecasted to grow an additional 18% in 2019.
Digital continues to climb, as consumer habits have changed and more activity is happening online and on mobile devices. The ability to speak to people where they are, with targeting messaging continues to get more sophisticated. Traditional media as a whole continues to decline, with TV and Newspaper taking the biggest hit. Broadcast TV and Cable TV is forecasted to decline by 4% and Newspaper is forecasted to be down 7%. Advertising dollars as a whole are forecasted to be up 5% in 2019, with the majority forecasted to go to digital.

Don’t let the digital dollars go past you. Make the wise move and pair the right digital channels to meet your marketing goals. It is important as technology advances that businesses make sure they advertise to not only the right audience, but to the right behaviors and targets. This is much easier to narrow in with digital.

New digital technologies are emerging daily. Some digital trends we see in 2019 that will continue to rise are Native Ads, Video Marketing and Mobile Conquesting.  Research is king online and 88 percent of consumers pre-research their buys online before making a purchase online or in-store.

If you want to reach new consumers in 2019, advertisements should look more genuine to the content people are searching and researching online. This is where native ads can come into play. Advertisers may think “breaking thru the noise” may be the way to go with digital, but actually consumers are getting smarter. Native ads are a refreshing approach that is less disruptive and more conversational than the in-your-face ads consumers have been trained to tune out. Native ads they can be targeting target to certain online behaviors, relevant keywords or with an email list. Native ads have proven to be a viable approach for such major brands like Airbnb, Amazon and Visa.

As consumers are getting smarter they also are getting a little lazy. The ease of buying anything from groceries to makeup online has seen quite a surge. Consumers are protective of their time and many would much rather watch a video than read an article or a blog. If you have made it this far in the blog, you may want to consider introducing video to your online media strategy. There are many platforms that utilize video from Mobile Conquesting, Facebook and behavioral targeting and more.
Another strategy to consider is Moble Conquesting. Because of how much consumers are using their phones for EVERYTHING these days, there is so much data to be had as well as the benefit to market to them on their mobile device. A recent study showed showed that 82% of smartphone users consult their phones on purchases they are about to make in-store.

While consumer behavior is evolving Mobile Conquesting is a great way to get in front of consumers who show current behavioral interest for your product or service. Plus, there are more reporting metrics available for Mobile Conquesting than most digital products. We can report on how consumers are engaging with these ads as well as if they visit your business.

Don’t be behind the times. Move with the times and maximize your reach and frequency with digital in 2019.