2014 was a “banner” year for digital growth, both in advertising revenue and time spent with digital media. An eMarketer report estimates that the average US adult will have spent 5 hours and 46 minutes a day in 2014, with digital media. (Their definition of digital media includes online, mobile, and non-mobile connected devices including gaming and streaming devices.)

Time Spent With Major Media


It’s no surprise that they found much of that increase in time spent with digital is due to mobile. In 2014, US adults will spend 23.0% more time with mobile on an average day than in 2013. Of the 5 hours and 46 minutes a day we spend with digital media, it estimates that 2 hours and 51 minutes is on mobile (non-voice), 2 hours and 12 minutes on computers and 43 minutes on “other” digital media.

Average time spent per day with television over the last four years is relatively flat, and time spent with radio is down by 16 minutes. Overall, the biggest decreases came in print (newspapers and magazines) who have lost almost half their “daily time spent” in the last four years.

Digital media’s average of 5 hours and 46 minutes per day in 2014 equates to a 47.1% share of time spent per day with major media.  The graph below breaks out the estimates for each medium.

Share Of Time Spent With Major Media