Facebook has launched a new feature called Info and Ads. This
push from Facebook is another step towards their goal of digital transparency that they released late last year.

To access this feature, go to Facebook and visit any business Facebook profile page from a computer.  On the left-hand side navigation, underneath the profile image you will see many options like Home, Posts, etc. but you want the last item, Info and Ads. This feature allows anyone to access a brands specific social advertisement(s), as well as when the page was created,
and any historical changes.

This feature is a great prospecting tool for
many reasons.

  • While researching, you can see if a potential prospect is currently advertising and the types of ads they are running (carousel, collection, video, etc.)
  • You can view what your client’s competition is doing to set your social ads apart
  • You can also learn more about Pages, even if they don’t advertise. For example, you can see any recent name changes and the date the Page was created. And Facebook plans to roll out more page information soon.



Be on the lookout for more tools and insights to come from Facebook this year and continue to research your clients and their competition to set yourself apart from other digital providers.