When was the last time you walked, drove, sat or went anywhere without seeing handfuls of people with their faces glued to their smartphone screens?  Between distractions like internet browsing, social media, emails, texting, and phone calls, how can you capture your customer’s attention?

Get to know them individually.  Understand their consumer habits.  Become an integrated part of their lifestyle.


Marketing to today’s population must be everything but bland and generic, especially for digital marketers.  Digital marketers are responsible for delivering superb customer experiences through a screen, and must use technology and new-age marketing strategies to target their customer’s buying behaviors.

According to MarketingLand, a little logic and a lot of feelings go into a customer’s average purchase decision.  So your customer is likely to become bored or frustrated when viewing your site or ad unless you tailor your customer experience to be personal and relevant to your audience.

This is when you need to consider the customer lifecycle: the process of thought a customer goes through when considering, deciding and making purchases.

According to a study by Gleanster Research, “Customer lifecycle engagement could actually be referred to as marketing lifecycle engagement, given the fact that marketing is the only function to consistently be involved in all stages of the customer journey.”

The easiest way to appeal to the customer’s lifecycle is to make sure your site’s experience is not overly stimulating with extra visuals, noises and loopholes that will affect your customers’ perception on how easy a task is to accomplish and therefore, not converting.

Motivate your site visitors to convert by making navigation simple, making the site user-friendly, and make your call-to-actions pop.

Attracting customers in the right stage of their lifecycle is a crucial component to driving conversions, and it has proven to be successful:

  • Eight out of 10 B2B marketing firms generate 60% of revenue from new customers, and only 30% of revenue comes from their existing customers.
  • Top digital marketers are investing 52% of their budget on customer retention and expansion in order to keep their customer’s interest post-sale.

Digital marketer’s roles have shifted from targeting a large group of customers to using technologies and customer behaviors to target just one person and show them the exact product or experience they desire.

Adapting to consumer lifestyles and getting to know customer lifecycles is an important strategy in digital marketing that will differentiate your business from the average digital marketers to the superb digital marketers.