As digital trends and products evolve, and marketers strive to understand online consumer behavior, a common question we get is how to accelerate the number of leads on a website. Making sure a website is SEO friendly, mobile-optimized, and well-designed is all extremely important, but one thing often over-looked is the ease of which to get information. That’s where Live Chat comes in. Live Chat helps advertisers gain more conversions. How?

Customers online are seeking information and customer service. And customer service, particularly online, has taken a turn for the worst. You are either routed to a deep online Help Section, routed to an automated attendant or forced to send an email that you are lucky to get answered in 24-48 hours. With Live Chat you can strike them while the iron is HOT!

Live Chat does the heavy lifting phone and web forms cannot handle. Website visitors are customers waiting to talk to you, and Live Chat can help. Having Live Chat on your website enables you to get more leads and engage your prospects with live, trained, chat agents, 24/7. Communicating with customers at this point in the sales funnel is crucial, and it works. Forrester Research found that roughly 42% of online customers prefer live chat and say that having questions answered by a live person, while researching something is one of the most important features of a website.
Simply providing initial information a customer is seeking and routing them appropriately can mean the difference between a sale or a website bounce. It helps consumers feel satisfied and have an overall positive experience. We live in a busy world of multi-taskers and people want the ability to communicate in real-time, even after a business is closed for the day. Trained Live Chat agents are available 24/7 to assist web lead needs.

“After twenty years, websites are still impersonal and failing to make consumers happy, and the best way forward is to replace website visits with conversations…
It’s the difference between brands talking at consumers — which is all a traditional website can do — and talking with their consumers.”

Who would have thought one little box could be so powerful? In the world of digital, it can be the icing on the cake for your digital advertising campaign.