With the new year upon us it means brand new advertising budgets as well. Nielsen released their annual report where they survey marketers to find out how and where they are spending their advertising dollars, and what is planned for the upcoming year.

Overall, 70% of marketers increased the amount of budget allocated to digital brand advertising in 2014, a 15% rise from last year. They also found that 2014 brought a significant increase (33%) in companies using digital advertising for brand building campaigns versus direct response. This stat shows that as digital advertising matures, advertisers realize it can be a powerful brand building medium.

What’s in store for 2015? The study found that a majority of marketers reported that they planned to use online and mobile platforms more, while their planned use of offline mediums either stayed the same or decreased. Here is the break down for each advertising medium. (Note: ”OOH” = Out Of Home, i.e, billboards, transit, etc.)

Marketing Channel Mix


Click to read the full article from Nielsen.