As a business, you may have asked yourself many times, how do I connect with my audience?

Social media is an effective way to help businesses connect on a personal level with their customers. Social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter allow contact directly from business to customer and essentially puts a face to the business and encourages upfront communication about new business offers, products and day to day functions.

Connecting with your audience through social media is simple. And that is why millions of business have hopped on that Facebook and Twitter trend.  The next step that is not as simple is understanding who your audience is.

We don’t mean literally going through every follower- luckily, there are simple market research tools that provide insight to your target audience that you may have never noticed before. Best of all, they’re all free and readily available to your business!

Wlfram Alpha Facebook Report

This report puts together data from your Facebook profile and shows extensive details about updates from you and your friends. This tool can help you gain insight on the demographics of those who connect with your business on Facebook.

Wolfram alpha

Facebook Audience Insights-

As a business, it is always important to know your audience and understand how to connect with them. This Facebook Audience insights tool allows you to create a target demographic, whether it be by region, age, gender, interest, or even page like, and it will show you a breakdown of the “slice” of the audience you’ve chosen. This makes it easy to learn about new followers who have liked your page and how you should reach out to them.

FB Audience Insights


Audience insights is to Facebook as Followerwonk is to Twitter. All you have to do is enter a Twitter username and allow Followerwonk to show you who that person’s audience is composed of based on categories like region, activity, keywords, authority, follower size and more.
