First, what is a conversion? A conversion is an action you want consumers to do once they visit your website. You have done a great job getting their attention with a great digital advertisement to where they have either clicked or come to their website on their own. Now what do they do next?

A few conversion examples include:
- Making a purchase on the website
- Downloading information or discount offer from the website
- Filling out a “contact us” form
- Registering for a newsletter or other offer
- Signing up for VIP type membership
- Clicking to a certain webpage or product
- Scheduling an appointment
- Clicking to an “About Us” webpage
- Clicking to a “Find Us” or directions web page
- Clicking on a specific button on a webpage (not available on all website platforms)
- Tracking clicks on a phone number on the mobile website
- Facebook Click to Call News Feed Ads
- Clicking on a LIVE CHAT box on the website
It is important to make it EASY for consumers to get to these conversions. Ask yourself some questions:
- What is the goal?
- Determining the goal is one of the first steps in any campaign. Answering this can assist in creative direction and the digital consumer sales cycle.
- What is my call to action?
- If you want people to contact you for an appointment or service, then that call-to-action should be clear, like, “Contact us today” , “Book now” or “Don’t miss out!” . Words other than “click” that are more enticing and targeted, typically have a higher conversion rate, up to 40% higher.
- When the consumers click on the ad, where does it take them?
- Going back to the goal and call to action. If you want calls, the landing page should have
the clear and concise information about the product or service and the phone number should be high up on the page and not a scroll away. In our busyworld we want most info to be a click away, adding extras scrolls or even load time on a website can cause abandonment issues as consumers get frustrated. Google data show that most people abandon sites after three seconds if content hasn’t loaded. - Also, making sure the phone number on the mobile version of the site is “clickable”. If clickable you have taken an extra measure for consumers to get in touch with you and is a conversion that can be tracked.
- Going back to the goal and call to action. If you want calls, the landing page should have
Being a digital guru for your client and breaking down each phase in the consumer cycle and digital campaign is what sets marketers apart and makes sales and conversions skyrocket!