Please join me in welcoming three new(ish) team members to the Vici family: Trainer and Account Director Greg Swiszcz, and Digital Campaign Coordinators Amin Vora and Dan “Renn” Renninger.  Why new(ish)?  Both Dan and Amin started with Vici prior to this promotion as Digital Campaign Assistants before stepping into their buying roles.  Greg is a former Vici client, having worked closely with our team for the past year.


Greg Swiszcz (prounounced Swizz) has a background in traditional, digital advertising, and business development with over eight years of experience in media sales.  His main focus with Vici is media and agency training.  Greg is based in Phoenix.

Top 10 Things About Greg as Told By Greg:

  1. I was born in Pawtucket, RI (yes that tiny piece of land we call a state)
  2. I lived in Las Vegas for a total of 9 years and graduated from UNLV with my degree in Marketing
  3. I am the middle son of 3 boys
  4. I am a preemie baby… born 8 weeks early (overachiever since birth)
  5. My favorite number is 8 (born on August 8th)
  6. I’ve spent about 14 years in media sales (12 of those in radio)
  7. I’m a life coach
  8. One of my favorite movies ever is Robin Hood Prince of Thieves with Kevin Costner
  9. Self Help/Improvement/Motivational books and audio books are my favorite
  10. I ran track (indoor, outdoor, and cross country) and played volleyball in high school

Amin Vora (pronounced A-mean) has a background in marketing and social media management.  Here he plans and manages various digital campaigns across display, video and social platforms and effectively optimize campaigns for clients across the country.  Amin is based in Philadelphia.

Top 10 Things About Amin as Told By Amin:

  1. I was born in New Jersey and moved to the suburbs of Philadelphia when I was 8 years old with my parents, older brother and younger sister.
  2. I just graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a triple major in marketing, supply chain management, and business information systems. Hail to Pitt!
  3. I am a big sports fan. I love playing sports – especially basketball – and watching them as well (Go Bulls!)
  4. I am an avid lover of food. I can eat breakfast foods at any time of the day, every day, and would have no complaints whatsoever.
  5. I hope to someday be able to travel and explore all 7 continents.
  6. I love music and enjoy festivals and concerts. I’m also learning how to play the piano!
  7. I am a big fan of TV shows and movies. Some of my favorite shows include Game of Thrones, Silicon Valley, The Office and Breaking Bad.
  8. I am currently trying to pick up reading as a new hobby. I’m reading Bryan Cranston’s autobiography “A Life In Parts” right now and it’s amazing! If you have any suggestions, please send them my way.
  9. On countless occasions, I have been likened to actor/comedian Aziz Ansari. I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve heard “You remind me of Aziz Ansari” or “You’re so much like that guy Tom from Parks and Rec!”.
  10. I love to learn!

Dan “Renn” Renninger has a background in advertising and account management.  His primary focus was campaign planning and SEO for Vici before becoming a full-time buyer.  Renn is based in Philadelphia.

Top 10 Things About Renn as Told by Renn:

  1. I’m a Temple University Alumnus
  2. I tried to be vegetarian for a week just to see if I could do it… I lasted 2 days
  3. I have ventured into the world of Indian food. My favorite dish so far has been chicken tikka masala
  4. My favorite time to wake up on the weekend is 1 pm
  5. My new favorite kind of beer is Sour Monkey by Victory Brewing Company
  6. I’m going to Las Vegas in July for the first time (shout out to our clients in Las Vegas!)
  7. My favorite thing about summer is taking day trips to the Jersey shore
  8. I really want to get a capybara as a pet! They’re basically dog sized hamsters.
  9. “Skrt skrt“ is my new favorite phrase
  10. I’ve recently started watching Lost on Netflix ( I’m like 10 years late but it’s okay)

Welcome to the team gentlemen!