Update: Facebook shuttered Jobs on Facebook (February 2023) and Instant Articles (April 2023)

Finding the right employee is never an easy task, especially if you’re looking for someone that is qualified.  With so many different job boards out there, from Monster and CareerBuilder to all of the ones that have popped up like ZipRecruiter and even the local job boards that may be in your city, how do you know where to post your job?  More importantly, how do you know if the right candidate will be looking on that particular website?

Gone are the days of trying to find a needle in a haystack. There are so many more creative and effective ways you can now target your Recruitment Ads to reach just the people you want. There are several ways to do so:

Ad Networks.  Ad Networks are groups of websites targeted at reaching your ideal customers. The Employment Ad Network, for example, features ads on top job listing websites.  There are also Ad Networks for specific types of recruitment including the Nursing Ad Network, Retail Ad Network, Executive Ad Network and more.  While your target audience is browsing job listings on sites like Monster.com, CareerBuilder.com, and Glassdoor.com, you can now show a display ad for your available openings on those national sites, but just to people who are in the geographic area you want to reach.

Facebook, Instagram and the Facebook Audience Network.  With advertising on Facebook and Instagram you can reach job seekers by displaying your recruitment ad in the News Feed of people you’re trying to reach.  In addition you can reach those same people you are targeting on Facebook and Instagram when they go onto thousands of other apps and websites that are part of the Facebook Audience Network.  Are you looking for someone with experience?  Maybe someone currently in your field?  Facebook, Instagram, and Facebook Audience Network allow you to target your job posting to people based on job title.  This is a great way to target those people that are already in that position, but maybe looking for a change of pace. You can also set it up so that they can apply right from your ad.

Household IP Targeting. Household IP Targeting matches a person’s internet (IP) address with the physical street address of the home and shows your ads only to those people.  Do you have a database list of people you’d like to send a recruitment ad too?  Maybe it’s a list of people who applied but you didn’t follow up with and now would like to do so.  We can take any list of names and street addresses and find the household IP address and your message will be seen by your prime employee target.

With so many more opportunities to support you on your journey to get the best employees, it can get a bit overwhelming.  However, taking advantage of all the ways to use digital recruitment ads will be beneficial for you and your company.