Many companies are increasing their usage of email marketing.  One of those industries increasing email marketing is nonprofits, who last year increased their email communication by just over 11%.   Now whether those emails were for fundraising, brand building, strengthening relationships or just improving communications, there’s a value to it.  Speaking to the fans of your business, or organization, is important to stay top of mind and hopefully grow.

While email is a great way to communicate, we are limited by the open rate of emails.  For non-profits, this can be as much as 24.1%, with other averages ranging somewhere between 18% and 23%.   Check out an average for your industry here: (   Since there are  some limitations with email, we get to look at how we can reach the remaining 75%+ that don’t open the emails.  We have that ability with digital marketing technology.

As technology advances, so does the opportunity to speak to your fan base.  For those organizations that are currently using email to communicate, take it one step further by leveraging your database:

Email Matching through Native Ads

Native Ads match the look, feel, and visual context of the website or app where they are seen.  It can be said that they are ads that don’t really look like ads.  They blend in.  One of the advantages of this type of advertising is using their email matching process.   As a business, you would provide your current email database.  That database is then filtered through the platform to find as many emails online as possible.  Typically, about 50% of them can be found.   Then, once these emails are found online, we can serve your message as a digital ad to those in your database.   This gives you an opportunity to communicate to your fans in an additional way besides just email.


Custom Audience Advertising campaign through Facebook and Instagram

Facebook offers it all, including the opportunity to communicate to your fans on Social Media.  Used a lot by non-profits, credit unions, and any business typically with a membership or “club” of some kind, Custom Audiences on Facebook have proven to be a very successful way to communicate with your fans.  Like Email Matching through Native Ads, your database is uploaded to Facebook, and typically about 50% of them are able to be found and matched to a social profile, giving you the ability to speak directly to those that are matched.   A great opportunity to offer specials or promotions to your loyal customers, give them insight into a new product, or upsell them, Custom Audience campaigns are a great tactic to stay top of mind with your current fans.

While email communication continues to grow, and can typically be done for a nominal investment, continuing to speak to those that already know your brand through other techniques is just as important.  No need to recreate the wheel.  Use the information you already have and target them when they go online.  Stay top of mind.  Repeat.