In today’s digital landscape, where competition is fierce and attention spans are short, the difference between winning over a potential client and losing them to a competitor often comes down to one thing: research. Understanding your prospects, their industry, and their unique challenges isn’t just an advantage—it’s a necessity.

When you take the time to dig deep into the specifics of a prospect’s business, you’re not just preparing to pitch a service; you’re positioning yourself as a partner who truly understands their world. And that’s where Vici’s comprehensive research reports come into play.

The Power of Knowing Your Prospect

Imagine walking into a meeting armed not only with general knowledge of digital marketing but with a tailored, in-depth understanding of the prospect’s business. This isn’t just about impressing them with facts and figures; it’s about demonstrating that you’re invested in their success from the get-go. The truth is, businesses want to work with people who “get” them, and nothing shows that better than well-researched insights.

But what should this research include? How do you ensure you’re not just skimming the surface? At Vici, we have access to a suite of reports that cover all the bases, allowing you to approach each prospect with a 360-degree view of their business.

Vici’s Research Reports: Your Secret Weapon

Here’s what our research reports include:

Local Account Intelligence Report
This report is your all-in-one guide to the business and its industry. It provides an overview of the business, industry intelligence, commonly offered services or products, and potential promotional tie-ins. You’ll also find details on co-op plans, industry opportunities, peak sales months, and benchmarks for ad spend. Beyond this, it includes insights on the type of advertising typically used in their industry, digital media spend for their vertical in your area, and common business terms. It also provides critical customer intelligence, including customer interests, attitudes, and competitive analysis.















Digital Audit
The Digital Audit dives into the prospect’s online presence and digital alignment. This includes an overall digital alignment rating, review ratings, and insights into competitor and business keywords. You’ll also find essential facts about OTT (Over-the-Top) media, online digital ad strategies for their industry, search results traffic, paid keywords, SEO grading, and social media performance. This audit gives you a clear picture of where they stand in the digital space and what opportunities exist for improvement














Common Business Terms: 
a listing of the most commonly used terms for that type of business (makes you sound like you really did your homework!).

Common Business Metrics:  a listing of the most commonly used metrics for that type of business (use this to ask how they determine Return On Investment).














This client-facing PowerPoint presentation compiles all the insights from the Local Account Intelligence Report and Digital Audit. It’s designed to be ready for you to present directly to the client, needing only your logo or background to be personalized. This saves you time while ensuring that your pitch is polished and professional.









Hot Zips Report

Understanding where a business’s customers are spending the most is crucial for targeted marketing efforts. The Hot Zips Report provides a detailed map and listing of the zip codes with the highest customer spending for the business type. This insight allows for precise targeting, ensuring that your marketing efforts hit the areas where they’ll have the most impact.










Audience Scan Report
Marketing to the right audience is key, and the Audience Scan Report provides national or regional information about your target audience’s marketing and advertising preferences. It also reveals non-advertising influences, online experiences, and digital tendencies, including OTT streaming behaviors. With this report, you’ll be able to craft messages that resonate with your audience on a deeper level.







Wrapping It Up
Research isn’t just a preliminary step in the sales process; it’s the foundation of a successful partnership. And studies show that one of the top reasons that clients trust sales reps is their overall knowledge of their business or industry.

By leveraging Vici’s research reports, you’re not only enhancing your understanding of the prospect’s business—you’re also setting yourself apart as a knowledgeable and trusted partner. Remember, in the world of digital prospects, research is king. And with the right insights, you’re well on your way to winning the crown.

In today’s digital landscape, where competition is fierce and attention spans are short, the difference between winning over a potential client and losing them to a competitor often comes down to one thing: research. Understanding your prospects, their industry, and their unique challenges isn’t just an advantage—it’s a necessity.

When you take the time to dig deep into the specifics of a prospect’s business, you’re not just preparing to pitch a service; you’re positioning yourself as a partner who truly understands their world. And that’s where Vici’s comprehensive research reports come into play.