Hi there! My name is Amanda Yanez and I am the new Digital Campaign Coordinator for Vici.   As a Digital Campaign Coordinator, I plan and direct campaigns for clients throughout the country.


Here are some things you probably didn’t know about me:

  • I was born and raised in Middletown, Delaware.
  • My professional background is in Mass Communication, Marketing, and Social Media.
  • On the weekends you’ll probably find me at the beach. I like to go to Dewey Beach or Bethany Beach in DE.
  • I love dogs. I can’t walk past a dog on the street without petting it! I have a cocka-poo named Lily.
  • My dad was born in Colombia and my mom’s side of the family is from the Philippines. I have a big crazy family!
  • I like to network with people in the marketing industry. I’m always eager to learn more about digital marketing techniques.
  • Yankee Candle is one of my favorite stores. I love sweet smells, especially vanilla.
  • I like to go running in cool outdoor places, such as state parks or nature trails.
  • I am a big sushi lover. Eel is one of my favorite things to eat.
  • I hope to travel to Australia someday.

Myself and the rest of the Vici team look forward to working with you!