In an effort to help local businesses connect with people in their area, Facebook launched Local Awareness mobile ads. Local Awareness ads are a great way to find new customers by showing ads to people who are around your business location. These ads are great for bringing customers through your door because of their call to action features. You can have people easily call your business, get directions to your location, or have them message you if they have a question, all with the click of a button from your mobile ad.

Your Call to Action button options include:

Get Directions: Help people find your store from their phone—ideal for driving foot traffic.

Call Now: Get calls in one tap from your ad and speak directly to potential customers.

Send Message: Get private messages directly from your ad—great for generating leads.

Learn More: Send people to any page on your website or blog for more information

So what are some creative ways to put these ads to use for your business?

Reach people at events:  Let’s say you want to advertise at a sporting event or game, but do not have a huge budget to make this happen by advertising inside the event venue. We can target the events location and target people when they are there and are scrolling through their Facebook feed and sharing pictures!

Highlight promotions:  Tell people about a promotion or an offer, such as a happy hour or sale. Give people an incentive to visit your business.  These ads are a great way to connect with people within a certain radius of a store location telling them about a local promotion.

Help stores meet their sales goals:  Some franchise groups, to make sure they are using their marketing budgets efficiently, track sales at each location and then run ads for the stores that haven’t yet met their monthly quota. Local Awareness ads can help boost sales for those under performing locations.

New store locations: These ads are also work well at highlighting new stores and encourage people nearby to go to grand opening activities.

Find the right people to attend your event: If you are holding an in-store event or promotion and want to target people most likely to be interested in your product or service, Local Awareness ads are the right avenue to find people near your location that fit the profile of the ideal customer you are looking for.