No, I personally don’t hate Retargeting but I hear this a lot from business owners.  Even from people who don’t know the term “Retargeting,” will say “Uggh, I hate that” when I explain that Retargeting is ads that follow a person after they leave a website and show the person ads for that business on other websites.  These business owners think that they shouldn’t do Retargeted ads from their website because it is going to make potential customers mad or at least annoyed.  Well…actually the stats don’t back up that assumption.

71% of consumers PREFER personalized ads tailored to their interest and shopping habits and are almost TWICE as likely to click on an ad featuring an unknown brand if the ad was tailored to their preferences.

So, the key to people NOT being annoyed by your retargeted ads is to make sure that you are retargeting them in the right way. One is to show the person an ad that is relevant to what the person was looking at on your website. Another way is to use frequency caps. A frequency cap puts a limit on the number of times your ad is shown to a person. You should also be using conversion tags. A conversion tag is a snippet of code that your digital provider gives you to place on the back side of your website. Once a person does come back to your website and converts (does what you want him or her to do, such as filling out a contact us form) it stops the ad from being shown any more to that person. Without a frequency cap or a conversion tag, people might feel “stalked.”