When developing your marketing strategy, it is important to make sure to identify your core audience. Targeting too broad, yields a lot of waste, narrowing in too thin, may exclude some ideal prospects. A happy medium of targeting is usually the best place to start. Targeting is critical. Ads relevant to your audience mean they are more likely to become your customers.
Facebook targeting is extremely vast and frankly a bit overwhelming! Luckily the folks at Wordstream have created a super awesome graphic that breaks it down in a digestible way.
The top section of the infographic explains demographic options. How old is your target? What is their relationship status? What is their Household income? And more.

Facebook can even target a step further on demographics. What is their education level, where do they work, and by job type? Are they a parent and how old are their kids? What political party are they and

Facebook can also target down to interests. Does your consumer like coffee, sports (by type), movie theatres? Are they getting married? Having a baby? Do they like certain automobiles? Do they travel or have a pet?

Other Facebook targeting options are behaviors. Do your consumers commute? Are they a soccer mom? Do they have an

Lastly Facebook has connection and retargeting and remarketing features. On Facebook we can target folks who have certain connections on the pages they like or follow. Other options include retargeting people that visit your client’s website and targeting specific people from a list of emails, phone numbers and names.

Once you determine the best targeting strategy, it is important to know where we can serve the ads on Facebook. Our Facebook Premium targets people in 5 different ways.
- Facebook News Feed
Ads will run in the News Feed of the user you are targeting, across all devices and look like posts. The formats include Single image or Carousel, display or video.
- Facebook
“Messenger” is Facebook’s mobile instant messaging app and ads appear between text conversations. Facebook Messenger ads are mobile display only and do not include video and can be single image or carousel.
- Facebook Audience Network (FAN)
Facebook has more real estate than just on Facebook. You can extend your reach BEYOND Facebook, target those users when they are on other apps and websites Facebook has partnered with!
- Facebook Instant Articles
Instant articles appear in the News Feed from top publishers. Your ad appears within the publisher’s article, while staying on Facebook.
- Facebook Marketplace
Reach people when they are in the mood to buy! Ads appear when the mobile user browses the Marketplace section of the app.