Facbook HolidaysFacebook has announced that starting on Thanksgiving and running through New Year’s Day they will let advertisers target ads on Facebook and Instagram to people who publish posts related to the holidays.

How will they do this?

Facebook looks for holiday-related keywords in people’s posts, what they like, comment on and share.

This means advertisers can zero in on people who are highly engaged with content related to holiday shopping.

Here are some additional facts to amaze your friends and family with, according to Facebook:

  • “On Facebook, there are more posts, shares and comments during the holidays than any other time of the year, and more people using mobile devices to find gifts before shopping.”
  • “People access Facebook on mobile phones before holiday shopping 4 times more often than compared to search engines.”
  • “When a person sees that their friends like your business, they’re 50% more likely to remember your ad, and 35% more likely to make a purchase.”

These are the top holidays for online spending:

  • Thanksgiving Day (November 27)
  • Black Friday (November 28)
  • Cyber Monday (December 1)
  • Green Monday (December 8)

Bottom line: don’t fret if you haven’t planned your holiday marketing campaign.  You still have time- and we’re here to help.

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