If you are looking to boost the number of conversions  your website gets from mobile users, the answer looks like it’s behind door number 3…


Formstack’s “Form Conversion” study analyzed 665,000 user account contributions and 117,577 form types all collected in January 2015. The research only looked at mobile-responsive forms, which are designed to be filled out easily on smartphones and tablets.

The second highest conversion rate at 17%, came from lead generation forms. These are typically what you have to fill out to get access to content, sometimes called in-bound marketing.

But the highest conversion rate, 34%, was for contest forms proving that deep down, a lot of us really are “contest pigs” to use the industry vernacular!

Somewhat surprising was the low showing conversion rate for contact forms at 1% – even though they averaged fewer form fields than lead gen and contest forms. Just 1 in every 100 visitors to a contact form completed it. The analysts theorized that visitors to a “Contact Us” page might be looking for addresses or phone numbers rather than to complete a form, which would result in a low conversion rate. (Further reason why you should measure View Through Conversions and not just Click Conversions when you are doing a digital campaign).

Online Conversion Rates