The end of another holiday season also marks the end of a new year and the beginning of new opportunities in 2015.  Although you might have a list of important resolutions that you promise to keep this year, the fact is you may only keep them for 2 weeks, or through the entire month of January if you’re lucky.  So what steps can your business take in order to enact valuable resolutions you can keep for an entire year?  Follow these tips from Marketing Land to promise your business the best 2015 that you, your company and your consumers deserve.


Provide Consumers with Multi-Channel Experiences

2014 has been the debut of the three-screened world.  From mobile, desktop to tablet, there are countless ways to reach your consumers through whichever digital medium they prefer.  According to Marketing Land, the key to a successful multi-channel marketing experience is consistency.  A consistent and seamless marketing experience across all digital channels will draw the consumer in and hold their interest.

Improve Mobile Optimization

Mobile web has been one of the fasting growing “screens of choice” for consumers throughout 2014.  Yet, mobile web did not lead to high conversions because consumers do not trust mobile devices with ecommerce yet.  Until now…the New Year brings opportunity for businesses to properly optimize their websites to be more user friendly and simple.

Choose Your Target Audience Wisely

Targeting and Analytics services have allowed business to segment and tailor their audiences to specific demographic and consumer behaviors which means only the consumers who are likely to buy their product or convert on their website will see their ads, banners and marketing methods.

Don’t Forget the Basics

Adding new strategies doesn’t mean disregarding effective methods that have worked for your business in the past.  Keeping up with your brand by blogging and creating social media posts keeps your consumers and potential customers familiar with your company.  Enacting new methods will take time to learn and will take time for your consumers to adjust to.

Make This Year New and Improved

Digital trends change fast.  If your website has not been redesigned in the last 3 or 4 years, it is probably time for a new look.  While a radical change may seem intimidating from the comfort zone of the website you’ve had for the last few years, changing the framework can lead to more conversions.  If an entire framework redesign is not necessary, consider changing elements and adding new trends to make your website ready for 2015.

With the New Year only a day away, it may seem like too short of notice to re-vamp and makeover your entire marketing strategy, but that’s not the case.  Choose the marketing tip that will best benefit your consumers and start there, then work your way through the list.  Focusing on each tip individually instead of all at once will keep your customers involved and your business relevant.

Cheers to 2015 and a new year of innovative and successful marketing strategies!
